Trial Operation Manager

Informações básicas

Empresa: transporte rodoviário e urbano de passageiros, cargas e turismo

Local: São Paulo - SP

Vaga: Trial Operation Manager

Requisitos aplicáveis

  • Bachelor Degree or above
  • Advanced ou fluent english skills

Descrição da vaga

  • Conduct audits to identify and reduce the impact of non-compliances in operating processes and procedures.
  • Coordinate communications with stakeholders during occurrences of rail incidents or accidents.
  • Create train operations improvement plans.
  • Develop processes for implementing manpower plans.
  • Ensure Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) policies, procedures, and regulations are followed.
  • Ensure the Codes of Practice required are followed.
  • Implement improved workflows to enhance the efficiency of train operations.
  • Implement training plans to equip staff with the relevant skills.
  • Lead the investigation and recovery actions of rail incidents or accidents.
  • Lead the management of train service operations.
  • Manage annual budgets for the relevant work.
  • Manage the department's performance in achieving Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
  • Plan operational drills and scenarios to review rail operating standards, procedures, and staff operational readiness.
  • Recommend follow-up actions to prevent the recurrence of rail incidents or accidents.
  • Respond to enquiries received from stakeholders.

Salário e remuneração

A Combinar

Código da vaga

EC 260824b

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