HR & Admin Supervisor

Informações básicas

Empresa: Maquinários

Local: Indaiatuba - SP

Vaga: HR & Admin Supervisor

Requisitos aplicáveis

  • Bachelor degree or above in related major;
  • Solid work experience, familiar with local laws;
  • Experience in HR and administrative management position;
  • Strong learning ability;
  • English fluency both in oral and written.

Descrição da vaga

  • Implements recruiting strategies
  • Prepare salary structure proposal and implement the local payroll process be conducted to meet internal compliance standard and local legal provisions. Implement annual merit increment and salary changes according to the guidelines developed by Company´s HQ.
  • Develop local HR strategies and administrative strategies align with local laws and business strategies.
  • Facilitates the annual manpower plan and salary budget review cycle, observing HQ guidelines and with division business input.
  • Develops and administers local training works with managers to identify best utilization of training offerings, participates in training actions as appropriate.
  • Partners with functional and operational leaders to complete performance management and talent management cycle in the location.
  • Implement document, official stamp, local official vehicles and office management, and official supplies purchase.
  • Transition of the company culture to local team and improvement the local team’s engagement and satisfaction.
  • Fosters effective communication between employees and location management, resolves employee relations issues with a systematic approach.

Salário e remuneração

A combinar

Código da vaga


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